Monday, November 3, 2008

Warriors act FAST to stay alive, what about you?

I was away for 4 and a half days of training, entitled Enlightened Warrior Training Camp in Kuala Rompin, Pahang, Malaysia. A warrior fights because he has no other choice; if he does not fight he will lose his life, his loved ones will be enslaved and his hard-earned possessions will be taken away. A warrior may never have to fight a battle - he may live through peaceful times. In troubled times, a warrior have may to fight in many battles, maybe many wars too. In a battle, warriors have to ACT fast to stay alive.

On my return, the newspapers are FULL of news of possible global recession, AIA in Singapore is retrenching staff, the government warns of recession into next year, of more retrenchment and there are numerous articles of comparision to the GREAT DEPRESSION 80 years ago. The near future can be very difficult for those who are just entering the job market as well as for those whose job is not safe if retrenchment occurs. You will literally have to fight to get a job.

You choose to prepare for the battle ahead in many ways. One way is to get a job NOW as our program is a Work and Study Program - we will place you in a job while you study part-time, so you will be have a job for 2 years unless you do something really stupid to get yourself fired. Act now or be left behind - less jobs will be created and many will lose their jobs; these people will compete for any and all available jobs. We still have job openings so take them or others will.

You are warmly invited to the briefings on our Work and Study program in Singapore. Send an email with your name and mobile phone number to or send an sms with your name and mobile phone number to 9476 2545. We will send you the address and give you directions.

Briefing dates and times in SINGAPORE:

  1. Tues 4 November at 7pm
  2. Wed 5 November at 2 pm
  3. Sat 15 November at 2pm

Briefing in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  1. Sat 8 November at 2.30pm
  2. Sun 16 November at 2.30pm


Spaztic m0nkey said...

Hi would like to know about how is it possible for students who are home-schooled to get involved and what are the requirements needed ?

this is my blog

Jonathan Chan said...

with 1 SPM (or grade 10 for North American system) you can enroll for the Diploma course. We will do an tele-interview via skype to determine the level employers are likely to pay for hiring you.

With SPM or primary school education, you can enroll for the Certificate course - this is on a case-by-case basis

You will earn about twice as much as the school fees and get relevant experience while you study part-time - so you will always have 2 more years of working experience compared to yor peers; hence you have opportunities for promotion earlier than your peers.

I will give a briefing on Sunday, 16 Nov at 2.30pm at the Eastin Hotel, Petaling Jaya. Come along, bring your friends - its FREE. But you must pre-register at

I hope to you meet you and all your friends who want to start earning your own money soon.

Parents are usually supportive as you will be able to earn your pocket money while you study !